Odalys Garcia

Executive Producer

Born and raised in Cuba, the talented Odalys holds a BA in English and has garnered an impressive portfolio in various facets of media production. With over fifteen years of experience under her belt, she has worked with a multitude of esteemed production companies on the island of Cuba, showcasing her diverse skills and exceptional expertise.
Registered member of RECAC, Cuba’s National Registry of Creators of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Art.

As the lead Cuban-based Producer for Vedado Films, Odalys is the driving force and creative genius behind every project. Acting as the company’s dedicated and influential voice with Cuban institutions, she fosters and maintains robust professional relationships on behalf of Vedado. Odalys is known for her keen negotiation skills, securing the most advantageous deals for clients, while simultaneously managing budgets with precision and organizing crews and transportation with remarkable efficiency.

Her meticulous oversight of casting and her attention to detail, even down to ensuring top-quality menu selections, make her an indispensable asset to the company. Revered as the queen of physical production and the company’s de facto Field Marshal, Odalys García is not only highly respected but also greatly admired within the audiovisual landscape of Cuba. Her unwavering dedication, passion, and commitment to excellence make her a true standout in her field.


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