A Cuty Original

The team at Vedado was in high spirits as summer began, having serviced the first U.S. commercial shoot in Cuba, and delivered a successful promo for the new revolutionary diabetic drug Heberprot-P.

So maybe sponsoring Ron Perlman’s first visit to Cuba was just par for the course.

Ron Perlman, of course, needs no introduction.

If you’ve seen ‘Sons of Anarchy’ you know him, if you’re eager to play ‘Call of Duty-Black Ops III’ you know him. If you saw the “Blacklist” Superbowl episode, you know him. If you go to the movies… Well, he’s Hellboy.

You know him.

What we didn’t know was that an actor who rose to notoriety under foreign directors like Jean-Jacques Annaud (Quest for Fire, The Name of the Rose) and travelled the world over, hadn’t been to Cuba.

You can imagine what we did when we found out.

It was a brief but eventful trip. We cannot do justice by telling what happened in just one blog post.

Of course, this was not an entirely disinterested invitation. Plans are afoot, indeed.

Suffice to say, for now, that Cuban fans adored him.

And with our bar connoisseur and artist in residence, Ron even had a chance to stop by Cuty’s atelier. You will be correct in assuming he made the artist part with one of his creations.

Which one?

This one.

Who knew that there would be a work of art that would encapsulate so precisely Perlman’s high artistry and his ribald nature at the same time? One thing we can all agree that, if the piece was to be found somewhere, it would be at Cuty’s studio.

Ron did not hesitate and snatched it instantly. Frankly, others, who will go unmentioned, weren’t so sure. Ron wouldn’t hear of it, though. “There’s nothing wrong with it.” In fact, this soon became Ron’s motto, spoken at various moments his visit to the island, as he was ushered from one paradisiac sight to the other.

“You know what is wrong with Cuba?
Ab-so-lu-te-ly NOTHING.”

We may have to trademark this.

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